Product review: Radermacher – Organic Gin Post II

As previously noted in the post about Radermacher Organic Gin, I can confirm that I have now a bottle which was purchased yesterday.  The glass bottle itself states a strong presence – of quality, design, thought and overall care of delivering a quality product.gin

Unlike the Tanqueray gin (which is a favourite), the 1836 does not have a strong over powering smell of distillate. When opening the bottle you have the subtle smell of the grains used, with the gentle notes of the 11 fruits, herbs, roots and spices used in producing this beautiful gin – Juniper Berry, Bergamot, Lemon peel, Coriander, Angelica, Orange peel, Cardamom, Lavender, Elderflower, Cinnamon and Pine.

With the taste, it is very smooth on the pallate, whilst also refreshing. With subtle hints of lavendar, the natural Juniper Berry’s and Bergamot provides a perfect finish.  I mixed it with sparkling Elderflower from WholeEarth and the combination was sublime.  A very refreshing, drinkable drink to enjoy or wind down a busy week.  Thank you Radermacher for producing such a beautiful Gin (that is the the gin itself, not just the presentation it comes in).

Adding as well – it is Bio, Organic and produced in Belgium – not one to miss! A stable presence in my cupboard for sure!

For those who are Vodka fans, Radermacher also produce a bio, organic Vodka.


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