A local brewery called Het Anker

Let’s start with the local brewer – Het Anker.

Well, my dear other half was full of joy when he found out Mechelen had it’s own brewery – and one that you cannot fault!

Het Anker began brewing beer 5 generations ago, where the building traditionally used to be a hospital, the buildings dating back to the 15th and 16th century. In 1872, the  Van Breedam family bought the brewery, adding a Steam Boiler and re-igniting the passion for developing specialised beers.  During 1990, Charles Leclef who is 5th Generation of the Van Breedam family took over the Brewery, modernising the equipment used.

Since then, Het Anker have also added a Hotel, Brasserie and Whisky in more recent years.

The selection of the beer by Het Anker is diverse – from blonde, dark and even a fruity beer there is a selection for all taste buds. Periodically they also do limited run or special beers. During 2015, they created a Gouden Carolus Indulgence which is whisky inspired. Their Christmas special has the flavour of the Classic Beer, yet has a few extra wintry warming spices.  Whether you are local or wishing to visit, do stop by Het Anker.

Drop a line or two for more information of what to see in Flanders and Mechelen. Guided tours are available.

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