A english shop called Stonemanor

For anyone moving to another country, especially when it comes to food and brands you recognise, this can be a worry. What are we going to eat, can I buy my favourite Mayonaise? Will foods taste different or are the flavours more tailored to the local market?  Naturally when moving your priorities are to take what essentials you need, which can include the odd bottle of Brown Sauce (not the factory).  Naturally your own stocks will soon run out, so what do you do? Many countries now have Supermarkets were ex-pats and locals can enjoy stocking up with the needed or newly found essentials.

Here in Belgium, StoneManor provides the perfect place to shop for English products. With over 30 years experience in sourcing and supply of over 100 products (fresh, frozen and ambient) across 3 floors; including Waitrose own brand products (Yes, a wide selection of products from the well known Supermarket), weeklies and monthly magazines, cards and even Homeware items (beds, crockery). Stock is delivered to Belgium twice weekly, so you can be guaranteed your favourite chips (oops, crisps), English Coleman’s mustard, or Branston Pickle will be in stock.

StoneManor have two stores and one Restaurant located in Belgium.  Their main store is located in the idyllic village of Everberg, where you can shop to your heart’s delight and then relax with a cup of Tea and Scones, or Ploughman’s lunch in their Tea Rooms.  With scenic views overlooking the fields one easily feels that you are being transported back to a country village in the UK.

The other store is located in Waterloo and I understand that they are seeking larger premises due to the growing popularity. Both stores hold  regular promotions with savings up to 40%.

Whether you have a craving for Hoola Hoops, Taylors of Harrogate (Yorkshire Tea) Pork Pie or require your Clotted Cream for your afternoon tea party, StoneManor is the place to visit.  Bulk orders are also available.

Contact details for Everberg or Waterloo stores can be found below:


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