Websites… SEO… why bother?

… when neither connect, especially when content, layout, imagery, accessibility, UX (styling and usability of website navigation and movement around website) are too wordy or just not telling (YOUR Companies) story.

This is a personal opinion which stems from working on numerous websites for Multinationals, Startups and individual Clients over the past 15 years.  Irrespective of them being tailored to their market of B2B or B2C or even both, Websites are still not being developed to meet the needs of the Consumer or Visitor.  These areas are often overlooked even to this day and age – informative, engaging, ease of navigation, assets (images, videos) and contact us.  So why do Companies (small or Corporate) have the desire to be engaging via a Website (ie content, graphics, structure, layout, style etc) yet forget the purpose of their website?

Creating a web presence can be for differing means; whether it is an online shop or an extension of your product listing or traditionally an online brochure.  Getting this right before you jump in with a singing and dancing website is paramount.  Who are your audience, what is your goal for having a website, does it lead to sales opportunities, is it for fun or just because your competitor’s have a website. Do you really need a website? How will people find me amongst the millions of websites out there.

Content is still key to the success of the website, I am including Assets (imagery, vidoes, downloads of white papers etc) and Content (what your website is talking about).  With an average person spending anything between 2.5 – 4 seconds on a page, you need to get your story right.  If you are a business tailored to B2B or B2C or even both, then ensure you have some defining areas of the site which enable your specific content to be delivered.  If I am not a technical person, but a Consumer, I am not wanting to wade through 6 scroll downs to find how I can use the product or even still have to click through 10 pages to simply find how to install a device. At the same time, I am not going to understand your 954 acronyms and try and decipher number 335 acronym with your 30 page dictionary.  Keeping it simple, is well… Simple!

In the same ways as ensuring your Content is king your user experience (UX) is just as important.  Do you have 3 search options scattered in various places on your home page, do you get the Consumer to click on 3 windows before they actually enter your website?  As a Japanese speaker and reader, do you present all your content in Greek, Bulgarian and Chinese (as you think I can read this?). Get your backend of your website functioning well and your frontend of the website loving your backend. These two work together – and help your presence grow successful. Don’t try building a website for 2016 on a platform that is antiquated or that can be re-edited time and time again. This is your backbone so ensure it keeps you strong.

I know that SEO was mentioned in the title and I am getting to that now – SEO will help provide your website to increase it’s positioning. Yet if your website is not including correct Content, design, navigation and functionality (remember your front and back end love each other) then why bother with SEO and Google Analytics Advertising?  Your creative web masterpiece is not only hanging in the big world wide web Gallery with 1 string but it is upside and reversed…

Consider and secure your content, your platform, your “ends” and what you really want to portray on the web.

Heh, a website is like a child, forever growing whilst also needing the nurturing, advice and sometimes analysis by us Parents on whether we are doing the right job or not.   Happy website-ing!


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