Located in the traditional Vismarkt of Mechelen is the T’Ankje (Ankertje a/d Dijle). Dating back to 1581 the Vismarkt was the central place for fish to be sold and to date still has two good fishmongers.

For quite sometime T’Ankje has always been a praatcafé offering beer from the brewery Het Anker and other local breweries ie Lamot (when it was brewing beer). Over the years it has changed hands, though with a focus to rejuvenate the Vismarkt, Het Anker purchased the building. In keeping with the style of the baroque style building various refurbishment projects were undertaken and it re-opened on January 4th 2016 with new management.

Spread over two floors, it can house up to 120 people, which is said to be the biggest drinking spot within Mechelen central. The walls are suitably covered with photos and advertising material from Mechelen’s past and present breweries. Downstairs is the main bar area with cosy seating in the main area and tucked away corners. Upstairs is open with the view of looking down on the bar and main thoroughfare. It is decorated with beer advertising panels and materials collected from the various (30-odd) breweries that have been located in Mechelen at one time or another. In addition there is a small room which is available to host up to 15 people for private events. Not forgetting the outdoors seating which is lovely when the weather is sunny. Chairs and tables are placed alongside the Dijle where you can enjoy the opportunity to people watch or simply chat with friends.
In this type of pinchos, the toothpick is used to keep ingredients from falling off the bread, as well as to keep track of the number of items that the customer has eaten. Sometimes, differently priced pinchos have toothpicks of different shapes or sizes.

The future of Ankertje is very positive, good music and variety of specialised drinks is the focus. Jazz, soul, blues and rock are the themes for music which will also include live music being played three times a month every Thursday evening. If you are lucky you may even catch the bar manager Willem picking up a guitar!

An emphasis on selling local beer is indeed part of the establishment, yet they also have specialist beers of the week (Rochefort 8 to name one of my favourites). For something other than beer, a small selection of stylish cocktails and whiskeys are available. Tea, coffee along with fruit juices and soft drinks are reasonably priced. Nibbles or knabbels include crisps, peanuts and variety of platters of cheese, olives, salami and a mixed selection. Prices range from 2.00 – 9.50euro. For more information regarding the menu it is available here to download.

There is indeed a cosy atmosphere and you will find the local regulars returning.

Rumour has it …. ” 70 – 80 years ago, it housed a local establishment for ladies of the night”. The location of the Dijle was very convenient to the Vismarkt with many boats passing along it.
If you are a fan of board games…. they do have a selection of scrabble, chess and other games available.
Opening times are from:
Mon-Thurs: 13:00 – 01:00
Fri: 13:00 – 03:00
Sat: 12:00 – 03:00
Sun: 12:00 – 23:00
Contact details:
t: 0486 13 91 65
f: https://www.facebook.com/hetankertjeaandedijle/