Goodbye and farewell 2016



2016 has bid us farewell and goodbye.  What we take from 2016 is our choice, perhaps don’t look back at what could have been done, instead say a thank you to all those folk who have been involved in your lives for whatever reason. Our tests, challenges, fortunes or simply acknowledging each day and those we spend together is important.

2016 has indeed enabled me to grow more and learn about Belgium and Flanders more, to explore more Dutch language (oh my!) at the same experience some incredible places I have visited and people met.

A big thank you to Windels, The Jewish Museum, T’Ankertje, Broodbroeders, Schockaert and Gamine.  Thank you for sharing an insight into your world of history and flavour!

Here are some of the favourite pictures from 2016.



Drop a line or two for more information of what to see in Flanders and Mechelen. Guided tours are available.

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