New technology and how can it be helpful to us crosses the minds of individuals who are developing new materials or products to even consumers. Innovation is occurring across the world and what better way to share is via the internet. Prospective buyers or investors are indeed able to gain access quicker and with more up to date information. This enables you to explore and read up before making the initial contact. For some taking the next step is to be showcased on such crowdfunding platforms like Kickstarter. Back in 2014 I first came across the Sphelar Power Corporation and have followed its progress over the years. Further enhancements to their beautiful Lamp and the newly developed Torch was exciting to see. So they could expand and explore the overseas market they decided to seek funds via a crowdfunding platform.

Alas, unfortunately, the full funding that they required ($20,000.00), was not sponsored. I do say that their products – Lamp and Torch are indeed products required in our homes and day to day use. What excites me further is the diversity and practicality of their micro-sphere solar cells. These are not the traditional flat solar cells we associate with solar power – they are little black/blue coloured beads. It will be exciting to see how they progress further and what new products they can either develop or how they can be integrated into other products.
The beauty of the Sphelar Solar cells is the greater efficiency in power generation and consumption. The solar cells collect sun from multiple directions, compared to the traditional angled flat panels. Measuring a mere 1-2mm across the size enables the cells to be used in multiple functions. I dare say that Sphelar Power Corporation will have the ability to explore markets further than Asia. The stylish and practical (and safety) Sphelar Lantern and the Sphelar Stick merge together design and quality of Japanese made products. Both these products were to include the solar micro-sphere cells and natural white LED lighting which promises to deliver up to 4 hours of constant lighting – and what better way than energy efficient!

For further information regarding Sphelar Lantern, please do visit their website.