Graphic Artist and Collaboration

It is funny how small the world is… I have been on Twitter for a while now and I was looking to give my website, Twitter Handle and other social media accounts a logo.  The name Happy Aardvark evolved from a conversation I was having with my Partner, Dean.  I did not wish to use my personal name, yet I also wanted something that connected me to Belgium.  Happy Aardvark sounds “Dutch” and since learning the language, why not use it.

Over a period of time, I came across a Graphic Artist, who I didn’t realise was from Mechelen.  We have over the past year shared tweet likes and online conversations.  I enjoyed looking out for his doodle and approached him to help with designing my Aardvark.

It is great fun connecting with other local people and perhaps enjoying the face to face communication in addition to the normal online. We human’s need contact and connectivity and relying just on the internet is not enough.

Our first initial meeting occurred and then we shared further ideas and the final design via email.  I found Dries to be very professional, forward thinking by providing a few additional ideas and even differing points

I found Dries to be very professional, forward thinking by providing a few additional ideas and even differing styles to how the Happy Aardvark could look.  He met the brief – an Aardvark, something Belgium connected and it to be fun!

You never know who are you connecting with on Twitter and how a follow, a like or a retweet could lead into something exciting and beneficial for all those connecting.

A big thank you to @3_esse!  If you are looking for a Graphic Artist, I can highly recommend Dries.  Do look him up as his daily doodles are fun. 


Drop a line or two for more information of what to see in Flanders and Mechelen. Guided tours are available.

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