Why has there been silence from the blog?

It has been a while since I have sat down to write a blog post or two.  I really enjoy sharing information about the local and surrounding areas.  There are quite a few new gems to add to the blog over the course of the next few days, so keep posted!

Blog silence I will admit is all down to navigating day to day living.  Learning the local language (lingo), picking up new skills (more on that later) and considering new career opportunities.  All of this is due to having been signed off medically.  I was not attempting to, yet ended up polishing 6 very old wooden twisty steps with my back.   This led to me being off work for 7 months and now suffering with 3 Hernias.

As my previous work was a sales assistant in a cheese shop heaving 5kg cheeses, bending, stretching, lifting and using machinery, Doctors, and Consultants (a few) stated that I could not return to this type of work. In essence, I was instructed to return to my traditional form of work that being marketing, business development, food and textile sourcing and project management.

Without a University Degree, my opportunities in securing work in Belgium is challenging.  If you have a BA that is good, a Masters that is even better. My life is a personal “life degree”.  Obtained by doing, self-teaching, trial, error, achieving, delivering and generally being a daily student in life.

What Next?

So here I am at 44 years old, looking at what I can do. For me, it is enabling me to create work where I can use the skills and experience I have at the same time incorporate the new skills I am learning.

My degree is my own personal “life degree” which has been obtained by doing, self-teaching, trial, error, achieving, delivering and generally being a daily student in life.  So here I am at 44 years old, looking at what I can do, evaluating the various ideas which are up on the drawing board.  For me, it is enabling me to create work where I can use the skills and experience I have.  At the same time being receptive to explore new skills.

The past month (July 2017) I have undertaken an intensive Dutch course – Nederlands cursus for level 2.1.  The Dutch language style of teaching is concrete when it comes to content though finding the navigation of putting the grammar – the “Het” and “De” words, the superlatief is just mind boggling.  I did not realise how complex this language is, yet I don’t think it is down to being a mature student (I say with tongue in cheek).

I have also been teaching myself how to sew with the view of creating a line of men’s or women’s line of comfortable trousers – (aka Huis Trousers), inspired by traditional styles from Asia and Europe.  At the same time, they have a story line, produced in Belgium, conscious fashion, quality and you can trace – from start to finish.

So back to normality, I have a few articles that will be popping up, some really interesting businesses out there in Mechelen and surrounding areas.

Happy Monday the 14th August 2017!

Ngaire (aka Happy Aardvark)

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