Open Monument day in Mechelen, Belgium – 2017

Open Monument Day flag, hanging outside an old Church building which is being restored to house the a new Library.

Others saw the great drive to complete, considering the amount of work that was required – from the floor to the roof!Open Monument Day or OpenMonumentdag was held on Sunday the 10th September 2017.

2017 saw Mechelen showcase three local schools; uniquely in the state of restoration and lovingly cared for.  Other buildings included an old Palace building which was strangely located within a school playground.

Monument buildings which were available to visit:

With such a wide variety of buildings to see – Chapels, Churches, old family homes, a Palace which was later turned into barracks though is now located right in the middle of a school playground.  There was plenty to see some projects the work was slow.

The old chapel or Kapel at Scheppers Institute a local school in Mechelen
Second level of the Chapel at Scheppers Institute

Others saw the great drive to complete, considering the amount of work that was required – from the floor to the roof!

An old church is being lovingly restored which will be used as Mechelen’s new Library.

New Lease of life

It is sad to see how these buildings have deteriorated.  Yet it is reassuring to see that these are being given a new lease of life.  Such buildings are not just historical or places of interest. It is with this in mind that being precious off them and not using them will see a decline. Keeping them occupied and being used is key to their survival for present and future generations.

17th Century windows still intact.
The bannister below the windows, original.

Keep an eye out for 2018

If you are keen Architect or lover of History then add this day to your calendar for 2018.  Why not take the opportunity to explore somewhere local. Perhaps you will find a hidden gem in your local town, or explore further afield.  This event is held in Flanders, so if you are not living in Mechelen, be rest assured there is a town that is participating.

A local school chapel in Mechelen, undergoing restoration work.
Below are just some of the places which we visited (information has been taken from the Open Monument day website) throughout the day.
Refuge van Sint-Truiden

De refuge van Sint-Truiden aan het idyllische ‘Groen Waterke’ is vermoedelijk één van de meest gefotografeerde gebouwen in Mechelen. Benieuwd hoe dit prachtige…

Hof van Schoofs

In haar zoektocht naar een nieuw onderkomen liet de gilde van de Oude Kruisboog in 1604 haar oog vallen op deze woning aan de Korenmarkt. De grandeur van het huis…

Gotische kapel van de arme klaren

Doorlopend vertelt een gids over de geschiedenis van de kapel.

Art Nouveaupracht: Feestzaal Scheppersinstituut

Dompel je onder in de art nouveaupracht van de feestzaal in de schoolvleugel die architect P.J. Rooms in 1901 ontwierp.

Op de werf: de restauratie van het Hof van Cortenbach

Verscholen achter de gevels van de Korenmarkt krijgt het gotische stadspaleis van Jan IV van Cortenbach weer vorm. De storende restanten van de vroegere…

Hof van Nassau

Het Hof van Nassau is waarschijnlijk het best verborgen monument van Mechelen. Alleen wie ooit plaatsnam op de schoolbanken van Villa Zonnebloem of Scholengroep 5…

Op de werf: de interieurrestauratie van het predikherenklooster

In 2015 schoot de restauratie en herbestemming van het 17de-eeuwse predikherenklooster tot hedendaagse stadsbibliotheek uit de startblokken. Dit jaar krijg je…



Drop a line or two for more information of what to see in Flanders and Mechelen. Guided tours are available.

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