Sotscop or Opsinjoorke Mechelen

What is the Sotscop or Opsinjoorke you may ask?   The Opsinjoorke portrays the eternal drunk, the bad husband who drinks far too much, the unfaithful husband always returning home late whilst not caring about the money he spends.  The […]

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St Rumbold Tower and Cathedral

St Rumbold’s (Sint-Romboutskathedraal) had it’s first stone of the present day St Rumbold’s Tower laid in 1452 and was undertaken by the Keldermans family of Architects. The plan was to build a tower some 167 metres high, though during the mid […]

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Mechelen – what to see and do

is located in the southern part of Antwerp Province, centrally located between Brussels and Antwerp.  It is the second largest City within the Antwerp Province and fifth within Flanders.  The river Dyle (Dijle) runs through Mechelen and continues through Brussels to […]

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