Escape to Japan with a visit to Hasselt

Seeing the orange Tori gates jolted me back to Japan, the Hanami (cherry blossoms ) and the sound of Taiko drumming.  I was not in Japan, instead, I was at the entrance to the Japanese Gardens (Japanse Tuin) in Hasselt, […]

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Open Monument Day

Every year Herita a non-profit membership and network association bring people together to experience and explore heritage.  They are the organising force behind the annual Heritage Day which is held within Flanders. The Heritage Day in Mechelen was held on Sunday, […]

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Banksy art to display in Antwerp’s Stadsfeeestzaal

Banksy’s artwork has graced various buildings internationally over the years.  Many have been saved, though others have not had such fortune.  If you are a lover of Banksy’s art, then do add this to your Art Calendar. From January 14th […]

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